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We make a city and the city makes us again

Busan Eco Delta Smart City

Key Performance Indicators

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01 ─ What are KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)

Since the First Industrial Revolution in the 18th century brought by the innovation of steam power, we are now facing yet another Revolution for the fourth time in the 21st century.

Smart technology that represents the Fourth Industrial Revolution is transforming how and where we live, work, and play into a new civilization. The national pilot for Busan Eco Delta Smart City as a national smart city pilot project stands right in the center of our journey to build the new civilization.

The ultimate goal of smart technology is to enhance the value of human life and preserve the nature in which we reside, rather than focusing on the technological advancement itself.

Busan Eco Delta Smart City presents the Key Performance Indicators(KPIs), laying out the project’s goal to eventually implement human-centered and nature-centered applications of smart technology.

These KPIs will be the guiding light to stay in the course throughout the project, the long journey to build Busan Eco Delta Smart City, to disambiguate the philosophy of focusing on humanity and nature, and to always remember the ultimate purpose of technology.

02 ─ Introduction of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Key performance indicators (KPIs) for successful construction of the smart city to demonstrate the objectives for obtaining sustainable growth.

The vision of Busan Eco Delta Smart City as “a place of innovation and international leadership for future living where the nature, people and technology come together” can be realized via innovations. Objectives should be set and managed cantering the keywords “people”, “nature” and “technology”

Work and Life People and Nature 4IR Technology in Daily Life

03 ─ Six objectives for Busan Eco Delta Smart City

Six objectives for Busan Eco Delta Smart City More convenient with less waste and environmental costs sharing technology and information where the synergy of people-nature-technology multiplies the brand value Smart city

04 ─ Core objectives and Key Performance Indicators(KPIs)

1. 5 years longer healthy life

Five KPIs to increase work and household efficiency to save time and improve quality of life
  1. 01. To improve the water quality of Pyeonggang Stream and Macdo River to Class Ⅱ or better
  2. 02. Early flood detection - 6 hours ahead
  3. 03. Reduction of earthquake early warning time to 20 seconds or less
  4. 04. Lowering of road accident rate to under 46%
  5. 05. 100% complete early fire response in 5 minutes
  6. 06. 25% reduction in 5 major crime rates
  7. 07. 4.5-year increase in average life expectancy
  8. 08. Plus 3 years in healthy life expectancy

2. 50 : 50 work & life balance

Five KPIs to increase work and household efficiency to save time and improve quality of life
  1. 09. 76.16 ㎡ of park space per capita
  2. 10. 20,000 ㎡ of festival street (40 m wide, 500 m long)
  3. 11. 100% ICT-based learning
  4. 12. 15% reduction in time on housekeeping
  5. 13. 40 weekly working hours

3. 20% more renewable energy

Three KPIs to reduce energy consumption in transportation and construction and supplying more energy from new resources
  1. 14. 50% reduction in carbon emissions
  2. 15. 120% of required power from renewable sources
  3. 16. Zero-energy houses for 56 homes

4. 100% recycling rate

Five KPIs for resource recycling such as full water reuse and waste-to-energy for household use
  1. 17. 100% wastewater reuse
  2. 18. 20% reduction in water usage and unused waste per person
  3. 19. Impervious area down to under 15 %
  4. 20. 16.5% of required power from wastewater-thermal energy
  5. 21. 35% of required power from solid refuse fuel (SRF)

5. 125-hour saving a year

Six KPIs to help citizens reclaim time in the areas they cannot in conventional urban life
  1. 22. 5 hours less waiting for medical consultation
  2. 23. 21 hours less spent in administration
  3. 24. 35 hours less spent on providing security and safety annually
  4. 25. Over 20% of mobility enabled by bicycles
  5. 26. 4 hours saved annually to find parking space
  6. 27. 60 hours less time wasted on road annually

6. 28,000 new jobs

One KPI to prepare for decreasing job openings and to secure economic sustainability of the city
  1. 28. New jobs 28,000
Please refer to each page for composition plan, details. People:busan.ecodelta-smartcity.kr/sub/PageLink?link=kpis/people, Nature:busan.ecodelta-smartcity.kr/sub/PageLink?link=kpis/nature, Tech:busan.ecodelta-smartcity.kr/sub/PageLink?link=kpis/tech

* * The KPIs presented here are drafts and are subject to change as the project progresses.